Let the old year end and the New Year begin with the warmest of aspirations.
As this year comes to a close, and I reflect on the year that was, or more accurately, the year that wasn’t, I find that I have very little to say. In my newsletters through lockdown, I shared my thoughts on travel and these have not changed. People like us will still travel. While there are many reasons to be cautious right now, I find many more to be hopeful for what 2021 may bring. I am looking forward to welcoming my valued clients back to Southern Africa for many more memorable holidays. And I hope, in the first part of 2021, to launch tailor made holidays to France.
A friend, some time ago, reminded me of how I loved to share my photos and experiences whenever I returned from a holiday to a new place. These were the days before ubiquitous social media, (circa 2005) and the way I shared photos was to show my colleagues a slideshow of my photos on my laptop. I am by no means an accomplished photographer, but I enjoyed doing this because I loved sharing things I learned about the country I visited, people I met, food I ate and sights I saw. I still feel that way. It is why I enjoy my job so much, because I get to do this every single day. It was interesting to be reminded of this habit of mine by my friend, who is now a successful business owner, and see the connection between that life and this.
As a way to thank you for your continued support, I am giving away postcards! Without you, I couldn’t do what I love, which is to plan holidays for clients, and so this is my small way of saying thank you. The postcards will be made from an original painting done by my incredibly talented friend Jessica Maitland-Stuart. The painting is of a lilac-breasted roller, one of the most beautifully coloured birds in the bush. It is also known as Mzilikazi’s roller because its feathers were used to adorn the head-gear of the Matabele king. If you would like a handwritten postcard from me, featuring the beautiful original painting you see below, please reply to this email telling me where you want me to send it.
Let the old year end and the New Year begin with the warmest of aspirations. Happy New Year!
Kind regards and best wishes,

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